Welcome to Draft Horse Inn & Suites

Around The Area
Arcadia is an interesting place to visit. There is much to see and do in the area, especially if you enjoy outdoor activities. If you are an avid outdoorsman or woman this is your playground. We are located in one of the nations top areas for whitetail deer and turkey hunting, along with some world class trout streams. We are also located 25 minutes from the Mississippi River which is a great place for summer boating and some of the nations top walleye fishing. Arcadia's country club which is located a half mile from the hotel, includes a nine-hole golf course available to the public. In the winter time the Wisconsin state snowmobile trail runs directly behind our hotel and also runs along some or our local bars and restaurants. 

A visit to Arcadia would not be complete without a tour of our beautiful 54 acre Memorial Park and it's unique tribute to veterans of all wars and conflicts. Stroll along the Avenue of Heroes, which is handicap accessible, to witness exceptional memorial statues of the fighting men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy today. The statute figures were designed by Ron Wanek, CEO of Ashley. 

Our guest directory also highlights many of the amazing businesses in the surrounding area. You can view the full guest directory here. If you need recommendations, our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you.